Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I guess I should've posted this too. We are selling our house so that I can be closer to work. Now that I am officially going to be full time next year the drive is kinda long. Especially with the price of gas. We weren't going to list until April/May, but our neighbor is selling his, so we want to capitalize on that. Wish us luck! We are looking to move Cedar Lake/Lowell/Crown Point area.


jodes said...

Oh good luck! Good Luck! GOOD LUCK! The commute will be so much nicer!! It can be killer, huh?

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

How exciting! Good luck, hope your house sells quickly and you find something you love! Oh, and welcome back to our side of the world!! Glad you'll be closer now!