Sunday, October 29, 2006

Stupid Pictures

I can not get this site to upload my pics. I will try again tomorrow, 3 hours of trying is making me mad.


Saturday night we babysat Austin, Olivia, and Graham. Logan was able to use the same high chair that the trips got to use! It was funny to use it again.

Logan decided he would be a night owl and stay up until 11:15! He even crawled from the living room to the fridge. (He must have been hungry!!)


Well, of course I post Logan has given up on crawling and he starts! On Friday he started to crawl. If you really want to call it that! He is so cute, when he gets excited he has trouble.

Red Jammies

Ever since Austin was little, I fell in love with a pair of red long john jammies. Well, I found a pair at a garage sale! Even though they are a still long on his arms and legs I don't care! They are my favorite!

Look at those evil eyes!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Logan's newest thing is clapping! He loves when you say "Yeah, Logie" and then he will clap for himself. He even does it while he is eating. We decided he has given up on trying to crawl. He was soooo close, and now, he won't even try. I think he is getting discouraged. Poor little guy. That's o.k. we are safe for a little while longer! I promise, pics will be up this weekend!

Monday, October 23, 2006


It seems like every other computer I try to use is not working or won't upload a picture! I am trying to have some pictures up by tomorrow. Logan is so incredibly close to crawling! He is pulling himself forward with one arm. Tim and I are definitely in for it. I spent a lot of time with Julie and Brody this weekend and it made me realize how big he really has gotten. Time sure does fly.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

First Day!

As of yesterday I am officially a South Central Satellite. I started a maternity leave in fifth grade (again). I will be here until the middle of January. God willing, I will find something to do after that day, until the end of the school year. It was incredibly hard to go back to school after having a week off with Logan. I really didn't want to leave! He is now reaching for me if he is with someone else. It doesn't matter who is trying to hold him, he wants mom! It is a great thing to be loved!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What a Strange Day

Mom and I are in the house and Dad yells, "Go look in the front woods!" We are thinking there is a nice big buck out there. We were very wrong. There were 6 turkeys! They came right up to the house and were picking at the flowers, pecking at the door, and following dad. Logan was laughing at them and pointing. He thought they were so funny when they made noise! Are we at the zoo or Grandma and Grandpa's?!

Live to Ride, Ride for Brad

Yesterday we went to a benefit for our good friend Brad. Brad was diagnosed with a brain tumor about 6 months ago, and they held a poker run, dinner, and auction for him yesterday. We have been blessed to be given such a wonderful person as Brad, and are praying daily for recovery. As you can see by the pics, Brad was one of the groomsmen in our wedding. Please keep Brad, and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We Love You Brad!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tub Time

Logan absolutely loves water! He cries when he has to get out of the tub. He is now playing with all of his bath toys that have been sitting around for 7 months! Last night he was a happy camper swimming in the tub!


We had the chance to visit Meaghan and baby in Indianapolis on Wednesday. This was the first time we have see Meaghan since the baby announcement. Baby Boy Wingate is due on March 16th, Logan's Birthday! We had a wonderful time and can't wait for Meaghan to come and visit us in DeMotte!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dr. Visit

We had to make a trip to the doctor yesterday because Logie wasn't feeling well. He is on medicine, and already feeling better. Dr. said he weighs 19 lbs. 14 oz. and is 28 inches long! We were a little off because we thought he was around 25. You can definitely tell we have a healthy baby who loves food!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Last Day

Friday was my last day with my fifth grade class in Kouts. It was a sad, but good day. At the end of the day I stamped all my kids with a lips stamp on the forehead. It was their kiss goodbye! I now have two weeks off with Logie before I start at South Central Elementary with another fifth grade class. As long as people keep getting pregnant I am in good shape!


Logan has discovered how to scoot backwards this week! Of course, this means he is getting stuck everywhere because he can't crawl forwards. He has gotten himself stuck under a dresser and under the piano! Tim even had to put a gate up so that he doesn't scoot off the stair! Here we go....

Toppled Over

Logan is now pulling everything to him, including his play gym. He thinks it is funny to pull it until it falls on him because Tim and I laughed at him the first time!

Sunday, October 01, 2006


This has been a long weekend for us! Tim and Grandma Umlauf took Logan for his six month shots on Friday. This is the first time I haven't been able to go. (I think it is harder not being there!) He did really well for the shots, but has been very clingy all weekend. We are definitely ready for him to be back to his old self!