Sunday, July 08, 2007


There are no words to describe the relief of being completely moved in. Some people may be thinking, one or two days of chaos and poof, no big deal. I beg to differ. I have been packing, moving, and unpacking for about 6 weeks. And finally, i am completely done. No more boxes, no more moving trucks, just my new house (And 1 empty one, until it is sold.)
Thank you to all of our friends and family who helped us finally get this move finished. There is no possible way we could have done this without you all!

All of our furniture came in pieces, I think Logie enjoyed them more before they were put together.

Testing out the new stairs. It took 3 tumbles before he realized he needs to sit down instead of trying to stand and walk down them. That's what happens after spending the first 15 months of your life without stairs!

Thanks, Kim, for the great picture (ha!). We had the couch finally put together, now for the tables.

Austin, Graham, and Olivia checking out the new furniture....even resting without working!

Do you think we had enough garbage on our first garbage day!

1 comment:

jodes said...

All moved in! HOW FUN!!! Now you need to take pictures so we can see the house!