Thursday, January 24, 2008

Looking for Answers

I took Logan to the pediatrician for an unrelated issue, and asked her about Logan's lack of speaking. Actually lack of English speaking. He says a few words, but other than that he speaks only Chinese ( at least that is what it sounds like). He talks all the time, but no real words. He understands everything we ask him to do. If we tell him to go get his shoes, get in his chair, get his blankie, etc, he does it immediately. He also points at things when he is speaking. My pediatrician wants me to take him to a speech therapist, but I know my sister didn't talk until she was three! What does everyone think? I know boys are normally slower, and I know he understands. Can you let me know your opinion....being my first, I am stuck. You can e-mail me or just comment. Please be honest Thanks!


b.e.c. said...

Well, I just so happen to have a GREAT friend of mine who is a Speech Therapist AND I work with a speech Pathologist in my office and Asked them what they thought. He's almost 2, correct? This isn't necessarily something to freak over, but yes, seeking the help of a professional is always a good thing. The local school district should provide early intervention opportunities for children.

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

Unfortunately because Logan will not be going to a public school, we would have to pay for everything.

. said...

I would take him. Dr Gold knows what she is talking about, go once and see what the ST has to say. It wouldn't hurt to go and who knows if you don't.

b.e.c. said...

they don't know that he isn't going to public school at that age. Districts have to offer early interventions to children. YOU can choose to refuse the services, but they must offer them to you.

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

Harrison took FOREVER to talk! In fact he was 3 before he really talked fluently! And now he won't stop! ha ha! I'm sure it's just a boy thing, most of my friend's boys are the same way. It never hurts to find out though!

Brooke said...

How old is he? Can you usually figure out what he is trying to communicate with his pointing and gestures? Does he get really frustrated when you don't understand? I'm not exactly sure how it works in Indiana since I have only worked in California, but here you would go to a regional center until age three. At age three is when the school district takes over.