Sunday was a crazy day! Tim and Austin both brought in deer. Dad, Tim, and I were sitting down to watch the Bears game when Dad spotted some deer in the back pasture. Tim throws on his hat and grabs Dad's gun. He starts sneaking down the back hill, at some points even crawling as to not catch the doe's attention. He get close enough.....and he ends up with a doe and a button buck! Since my Uncle Stosh is not able to go out and go hunting, one of the deer will go to him.
Not long after finishing up with these deer, Dad gets another call. Austin got his first deer! One shot is all it took. So, off trecked Tim and Dad to help haul this deer out of the woods. Austin was more than a little proud, this was his first deer ever! No deer for 2 months, and 3 in one day! Good grief!